Blackjack Angus Sale
We are working at breeding a bigger, stronger, healthier, more parasite resistant meat goat herd. Producing more meat and milk. Boer/ Spanish crosses make a bigger goat than the full blooded of either pure breed. What is a good buck worth? That is a question every breeder must answer, but before you do, consider these facts. The buck or bucks you use are responsible for 50% of the genetics in your herd while all of the does are responsible for the other 50% If you are saving females, over the next 3 years your buck selection can easily account for 88% of your genetics. If you are a commercial breeder, buck selection can easily add 10 lbs to your weaning weights. At today's prices, what is that worth to you over the 3 or 4 years you use that buck. Do the math and see! If you are a seed-stock breeder, registered kids out of the same doe might be worth $500 or $2500, depending on the quality of the buck she is bred to.
Dear Cattlemen and Angus Friends: Welcome to Blackjack Farms, LLC and their annual spring bull sale. The Grissom Family is once again joined in the sale by Keith and Amber McFerran’s McFerran Farms and John and Gaye Pfeiffer’s Pfeiffer Angus Farms. These breeders have assembled an excellent set of primarily A.I.-sired performance bulls. The sale of the Angus Foundation Heifer Pick will be held Friday, January 8, prior to the start of the National Angus Bull Sale during the Cattlemen’s Congress. Click here or contact Thomas Marten, Angus Foundation executive director for more information. BLACKJACK FARMS, LLC Saturday, March 3rd 12 noonat the ranch near Seminole, Oklahoma 77 Angus & Simmental/SimAngus Bulls Spring 2016 to Spring 2017 Bulls Semen Tested & Fully Guaranteed Angus bulls DNA tested & all bulls BVD tested Sale Day Phones (405)997-9678. (405)919-5194. (405)641-6081 Lunch served at 11:30 a.m.
Blackjack Angus Sale Prices
Blackjack Angus Sale 2019
I am the first to agree that you need to watch the expense side of the ledger, but cutting cost on a cheap buck is the fastest way to limit the income side of that same ledger. No matter if you find a buck here you like or find one with another breeder, select a buck that fits your needs and cut cost somewhere else!