Life After Quitting Gambling

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Life after quitting gambling losses
  • Although my social life took a hit, avoiding places with alcohol for the first few months was a huge help. Identifying my other triggers was equally important. I paired a lot of activities with.
  • My life before, during gambling and after i stopped gambling. Martin23 Guest #1., 02:39 AM.
  • What worked for me was that I channeled my addiction to poker into something different. I play a lot of chess and train in Brazilian jiu jitsu now. I have not lost my family per se, but I am also a very lonely person.
  • If you fall off the wagon after the 12-month period then you just pay us for one session to quit gambling again - in this way we can keep you quit for life. The only way you can fail with this programme is to leave prematurely, in that case our fee is not a cost but an investment beyond measure.

There is a common perception that one can simply quit at any time. Many people still consider gambling addiction to be primarily a financial problem and don’t understand that deep and profound control that it can have over a person. Compulsive gambling can be an addiction, just as real and powerful as a serious drug addiction.

This is the first time I am writing something related to my Gambling addiction. I have read and followed many of the posts here. I am 31 year old. Single (Never Married). I was addicted to gambling and was bankrupt thrice in three different countries. I have been escaping and chasing after my losses all my life. I quit all forms of gambling 10 months ago (completely). I am more than willing to help people who really wants to quit gambling.

Life After Quitting Gambling Advice

Question I have now is for people who have quit gambling long back. How is your life now? I left gambling 10 months back but my life sucks. I am already tired of this life. I feel that I have seen enough in this world and I no longer find any pleasure in living in this world. I am depressed for no reason. Do you feel I have this feeling because I have gambled for many years? or I gambled because I am generally depressed in my life and do not find anything fascinating?. How can I be depressed for no reason??.